Many enterprises are hampered by legacy IT infrastructure that isn’t well suited for today’s cloud-based services and on demand applications. These legacy IT architectures are composed of siloed compute, storage, network, and data protection platforms with distinct administrative interfaces. Each platform requires support, maintenance, licensing, power, and cooling—not to mention a set of dedicated team members capable of administrating and maintaining the system. Deploying a new application can be a manually-intensive, time-consuming proposition involving a number of different platforms, management interfaces, and operations teams. Turning up new IT services can take days or even weeks. Troubleshooting problems and performing routine data backup, replication and recovery tasks can be just as inefficient.
Legacy IT Stack Limitations
· High barriers to innovation - IT teams spend the bulk of their time provisioning, maintaining, extending and refreshing underlying IT infrastructure instead of working on strategic business initiatives.
· Poor service agility - Turning up new applications and IT services can take weeks, due to the complexities of coordinating multiple technology platforms and points of administration. This impairs the organization’s service velocity and time-to-market.
· Inefficient resource utilization - Conventional data storage, optimization and protection solutions were designed around physical servers and these storage systems aren’t well suited for virtualized IT. To ensure peak performance within each silo, these solutions overprovision storage resources and network bandwidth, causing customers to overbuy in every silo.
· Inadequate data protection - Many IT organizations are challenged to meet backup and recovery goals with existing data protection solutions. This is particularly true in smaller data centers or remote offices due to cost constraints. VM backup and restore jobs can take hours or days when using legacy solutions that store and manage the different stages of the data lifecycle in separate, independent silos.
· High OpEx - With so many independent technology platforms, IT operational expenses can be high, with multiple points of management, additional training requirements, hardware and software maintenance fees, power, cooling, and rack space for each silo.
· High CapEx - A variety of independent technology platforms to purchase and scale results in resources that are often wasted, due to the chronic difficulty in scaling and integration of the individual platforms. This leads to regular overbuying of capacity and repeat periods of underutilized IT assets.
The Solution: SimpliVity Hyperconverged Infrastructure
SimpliVity hyperconverged infrastructure is designed from the ground up to meet the increased efficiency, management and data protection demands of today’s data-intensive, highly-virtualized IT environments. The SimpliVity solution provides a scalable, modular, 2U building block of x86 resources that offers all the functionality of traditional IT infrastructure—in one device. It assimilates storage; compute; hypervisor; real-time deduplication, compression, and optimization; along with comprehensive data management, data protection, and disaster recovery capabilities. Designed to work with any hypervisor or industry-standard x86 server platform, the SimpliVity solution provides a single, shared resource pool across the entire IT stack, eliminating point products and inefficient siloed IT architectures. The solution is distinguished from other converged infrastructure solutions by three unique attributes: accelerated data efficiency, global unified management, and built-in data protection.